Friday, August 18, 2006


so very happy we got paid today! also, it's opening night of SNAKES ON A PLANE so everyone get your tickets!! since the cast has to be off book and at rehearsal tomorrow morning, we're planning to see it tomorrow night after we get out...but we ARE seeing it, and that's the important thing.

today was much better than yesterday for other reasons too. scot's wife is flying in today to visit him for the weekend from new york, meagan's boyfriend will be here later this weekend, and zach got new comic books yesterday. plus, having just cashed our paychecks, we all had enough money for all the pizza we could stand for lunch!

also, we used the van for the first time today. with all our moneys burning holes in our pockets, we took a trip to target, and stop & shop for sundries and groceries. this made us very happy

the convenience of the van is great...

but we quickly realized that this was THEE van that we will be living in and with only each other, for the next...4 1/2...months.

today was also the last day that we had the rehearsal hall just to ourselves. tomorrow we'll have to start sharing with the next tour. just as long as they keep their hands away from our coffee...i won't have to shank anyone.

here is a link to scot's blog. he's not only an amazing talent onstage, but quite a good writer (as opposed to me who throws this random crap up on a blog). he can give you an alternate perspective of life on this tour...and a lot more eloquently i might add!

and lanny, our stage manager, has a blog too!! his is like mine, with better pictures. he's a wonderful member of our group, and when shit starts to hit the fan, and drama breaks out...this will be a good blog to get the 'other side' from!


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