Friday, August 18, 2006


so today was tough. i'm not sure why, maybe the adrenaline from the newness is wearing off, but today sucked. i haven't slept for the past 2 nights, and i can only drag ass through rehearsal for so long before it starts to show.

everyone is starting to feel the lethargy creep in a little earlier everyday, and today's earlier than usual break for lunch didn't help. Usually, we take lunch around 1:30 or 2, and break for an hour. this leaves us with roughly 3 hours left in our rehearsal day, and our 2nd and 3rd winds kick in around the same time, so we can push through with a fair amount of ease...but after eating carbo loaded lunches at 1pm, NO ONE was ready for a solid 4 hours of tweaking painfully precise blocking. we held it together rather well, until steven asked what time it was, and when i responded "it's a little after 3" he looked like i kicked his dog. (he really thought it was closer to 5).

then some time later,
after draining the coffee pot for a second time, and not feeling it's effects, i lay out spread eagle on the floor of the set with scot during a 5 minute break, at which point someone else askes the time, and scot replies with "it's forever o'clock". i think this is rather funny, and giggle...which turns into a hardy laugh...which turns into hysterical fits of laughter...which borders on tears. this is the beginning of the cast meltdown.

sometime around 5pm,
meagan and scot share a rather intimate moment of flatulence which prompt us all to laugh, beaver jokes are made regarding a dead animal stuffed prop and zack blocked to present it while spreading his legs on the bench...this also leads to more sexually explicit, wildly inappropriate humor having NOTHING to do with the rehearsal material (did i mention our level of immaturity?)

rehearsal has gone to hell. tears are welling up in my eyes from laughing, no one is taking much care to memorize/ remember lines, blocking, or notes that poor brian is attempting to give us. also, we have onlookers- sound board operator (beth), the new stage manager from the next tour (erica), and super techie (elizabeth)- are all watching in what i can only imagine to be entertained horror, at what can happen to a cast after only a week of being trapped in our new finite little world.

i can't remember a single line without calling for it. zack can't look me in the eye without convulsing with laughter, meagan is back on book (no longer attempting her lines without it) and covering her face with the script when she gets the giggle fits, my characterization is shot to shit, scot is reenacting his flatulent moment from earlier and making penis jokes regarding smoky robinson (i think?), lanny (our SM) has mentally checked out, and brian...oh brian...bless his heart, gives us the option of calling it quits for the day and picking up again in the morning. i think we all felt bad, because he was completely within his right to yell (but he didn't), and ask for professionalism from us...because after all, we were being paid to fuck around. we decide to pull it together for the last 20 minutes, and finish out the day with some sort of dignity.

apres rehearsal...
i really need a beer. zack really needs comic books. meagan really needs to memorize lines. scot really needs to rest. steven really needs to get the van back to the other side of town. and brian shoots out of there like a bat out of hell.

there's a bit more gossip from today that i'll share at another's juicy enough to warrant more energy than i have to give at the moment...guess you'll have to stay tuned...

i've got some possible doppelgangers in my cast. can you see it? or is it just me? (**NOTE** to be fair, i don't have very accurate photos of the NC people seen here...i did the best i could, so suck it.)

zack from chicago by way of north carolina and cali, and will from north carolina

scot from nyc by way of arizona, and seph from college in north carolina

meagan from nyc by way of virginia, and collet from north carolina


At 8/17/2006 11:42 PM, Blogger Scott said...

OK - a) you need to put up word verification on comments or you'll get more spam comments from chicks with dicks or whatever the hell the comment above this one is.

b) you have a spooky thing going here. Why are they so similar to us? Should I be scared? Did Central Casting run out of extras for your life and they just sent up people from other areas thinking you wouldn't notice?

c) what the hell am I still doing awake?


At 8/18/2006 12:32 AM, Blogger Katie said...

ok, scot...

a.) who says i DON'T want the porn spam?? you don't know me!! don't judge me! (only kidding)

b.) watch the "doppleganger" episode of sealab 2021 and THEN talk to me about being scared.

c.) yeah, why the hell ARE you still awake??



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